Microfrontends: Are They Right for Your Project?

Microfrontends have emerged as a powerful architectural pattern for building large, scalable web applications. Inspired by the principles of microservices, they break down a monolithic frontend into smaller, independent, and deployable units. This approach offers numerous benefits, including improved team autonomy, faster development cycles, and easier technology upgrades. But how do these independent pieces – the microfrontends – actually come together to form a cohesive user experience? This post will dive into the core concepts of microfrontend integration, with practical code examples focusing on the most popular modern approach: Module Federation.

Understanding the Cast of Characters

Before we dive into the code, let's define the key players in a microfrontend architecture:

  • The Host Application : This is the main application that users interact with. It acts as a shell, providing the overall layout, navigation, and orchestration for the microfrontends. Think of it as the stage and conductor in an orchestra. It doesn't contain much business logic itself; its primary role is to compose the microfrontends.

  • The Microfrontends : These are the independent, self-contained applications that deliver specific features or parts of the user interface. Each microfrontend is like a different instrument in the orchestra, responsible for its own unique sound (functionality). They can be built with different technologies (React, Angular, Vue.js, etc.) and deployed independently.

  • The Integration Mechanism : This is the "glue" that connects the host and the microfrontends. It defines how the host application discovers, loads, and renders the microfrontends. We'll focus primarily on Webpack's Module Federation, the most widely used and powerful approach today.

Integration Strategies: A Comparison

While we'll focus on Module Federation, it's helpful to understand the alternative approaches, along with their pros and cons:

  1. <iframe>s (The Old Way):

    • How it works: Each microfrontend is loaded into its own <iframe>.

    • Pros: Simple to implement; strong isolation.

    • Cons: Poor communication; performance issues; SEO challenges; styling inconsistencies; generally not recommended for modern microfrontends.

  2. Web Components (Standards-Based):

    • How it works: Microfrontends are built as custom HTML elements.

    • Pros: Web standards-based; good encapsulation; framework-agnostic.

    • Cons: More upfront setup; potential browser compatibility issues (require polyfills).

  3. Build-time Integration (Not True Microfrontends):

    • How it works: Microfrontends are built as libraries (e.g., npm packages) and installed as dependencies in the host application during build time.

    • Pros: Simple setup.

    • Cons: Loses independent deployability; not a true microfrontend approach.

  4. Module Federation (The Modern Approach):

    • How it works: Webpack 5's Module Federation allows sharing code between independently deployed JavaScript bundles at runtime.

    • Pros: Excellent performance; tight integration; shared dependencies; supports independent deployments; widely adopted.

    • Cons: Requires Webpack 5 (or a compatible bundler); slightly more complex configuration.

Deep Dive: Module Federation with Webpack

Module Federation is the recommended way to integrate microfrontends. It allows you to build and deploy your microfrontends as separate units, and then dynamically load them into the host application.

Conceptual Overview:

  • Remotes: Microfrontends expose parts of their code as "remotes." Think of these as entry points that the host application can access.

  • Exposes: Within a remote, you specify which modules (components, functions, etc.) you want to make available to other applications.

  • Shared: Module Federation intelligently handles shared dependencies. If multiple microfrontends and the host application all use, say, React, it will only load React once, preventing duplication and improving performance.

  • Dynamic Imports: The host application uses dynamic import() statements to load the remote modules at runtime.

Code Example (React):

Let's build a simple example with a host application and two microfrontends: "products" (listing products) and "cart" (displaying a shopping cart).

1. products Microfrontend (Webpack Configuration):

// products/webpack.config.js
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const { ModuleFederationPlugin } = require('webpack').container;

module.exports = {
    // ... other webpack configuration ...
    mode: 'development',
    devServer: {
      port: 3001, // Run on a different port
    plugins: [
        new ModuleFederationPlugin({
            name: 'products', // Unique name for this microfrontend
            filename: 'remoteEntry.js', // Entry point file
            exposes: {
                './ProductList': './src/ProductList', // Expose the ProductList component
            shared: {
                react: { singleton: true, eager: true }, // Share React
                'react-dom': { singleton: true, eager: true },
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            template: './public/index.html',


// products/src/ProductList.js
import React from 'react';

const ProductList = () => {
    return (
                <li>Product 1</li>
                <li>Product 2</li>

export default ProductList;


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import ProductList from './ProductList';

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
root.render(<ProductList />);



2. cart Microfrontend (Webpack Configuration):

// cart/webpack.config.js
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const { ModuleFederationPlugin } = require('webpack').container;

module.exports = {
    // ... other webpack configuration ...
    mode: 'development',
    devServer: {
      port: 3002,
    plugins: [
        new ModuleFederationPlugin({
            name: 'cart',
            filename: 'remoteEntry.js',
            exposes: {
                './Cart': './src/Cart', // Expose the Cart component
            shared: {
                react: { singleton: true, eager: true },
                'react-dom': { singleton: true, eager: true },
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            template: './public/index.html',


// cart/src/Cart.js
import React from 'react';

const Cart = () => {
    return (
            <h2>Shopping Cart</h2>
            <p>Items: 0</p>

export default Cart;


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import Cart from './Cart';

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));



3. host Application (Webpack Configuration):

// host/webpack.config.js
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const { ModuleFederationPlugin } = require('webpack').container;

module.exports = {
    // ... other webpack configuration ...
    mode: 'development',
    devServer: {
        port: 3000, // Main host app runs on port 3000
    plugins: [
        new ModuleFederationPlugin({
            name: 'host',
            remotes: {
                products: 'products@http://localhost:3001/remoteEntry.js', // Consume the 'products' remote
                cart: 'cart@http://localhost:3002/remoteEntry.js',       // Consume the 'cart' remote
            shared: {
                react: { singleton: true, eager: true },
                'react-dom': { singleton: true, eager: true },
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            template: './public/index.html',


// host/src/App.js
import React, { Suspense } from 'react';

// Dynamically import the microfrontend components
const ProductList = React.lazy(() => import('products/ProductList'));
const Cart = React.lazy(() => import('cart/Cart'));

const App = () => {
    return (
            <h1>My E-commerce App</h1>
            <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
                <ProductList />
                <Cart />

export default App;


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
root.render(<App />);




  1. products and cart Microfrontends:

    • ModuleFederationPlugin: We configure the plugin to expose specific components (ProductList and Cart) as remotes. The filename option specifies the entry point file that the host application will use.

    • shared: We specify that react and react-dom should be shared dependencies, avoiding duplication. singleton: true ensures only one instance is loaded. eager: true loads the shared module immediately.

    • Each microfrontend runs on its own port (3001 and 3002).

    • The bootstrap.js file is created so that we don't import the components directly into index.js. The index.js file lazy loads the bootstrap.js. This is needed for module federation to work.

  2. host Application:

    • ModuleFederationPlugin: We configure the plugin to consume the products and cart remotes, specifying their URLs.

    • React.lazy(): We use React.lazy() and Suspense to dynamically import the microfrontend components. This means they are only loaded when they are actually needed, improving initial load time.

    • fallback: The fallback prop in Suspense provides a loading indicator while the microfrontend is being fetched.

    • The index.js lazy loads the bootstrap.js file.

Running the Example:

  1. Install dependencies in each project (products, cart, and host): npm install

  2. Start each project: npm start

  3. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000. You should see the host application, with the ProductList and Cart components loaded from the separate microfrontends.

Communication Between Microfrontends

Microfrontends often need to communicate with each other or with the host application. Common approaches include:

  • Custom Events: Microfrontends can emit and listen for custom DOM events. This is a good option for simple, decoupled communication.

  • Shared State Management: A more complex approach is to use a shared state management library (like Redux or Zustand), but be very careful to avoid tight coupling. The host application is usually responsible for managing any truly shared state.

  • URL Parameters: Simple data can be passed between microfrontends through URL parameters.

  • Props: If the host application mounts another application directly, it can communicate using props.

Example (Custom Events):

In the products microfrontend, you could dispatch an event when a product is added:

// products/src/ProductList.js
// ... (previous code) ...

const handleAddToCart = (product) => {
    const event = new CustomEvent('product-added', {
        detail: { product },

// ... (render method) ...
<button onClick={() => handleAddToCart('Product 1')}>Add to Cart</button>
// ...

In the cart microfrontend, you could listen for this event:

// cart/src/Cart.js
// ... (previous code) ...

const [items, setItems] = React.useState(0);

React.useEffect(() => {
    const handleProductAdded = (event) => {
        setItems(items + 1);

    window.addEventListener('product-added', handleProductAdded);

    // Clean up the event listener when the component unmounts
    return () => {
        window.removeEventListener('product-added', handleProductAdded);
}, [items]);

// ... (render method) ...
<p>Items: {items}</p>
// ...

Key Considerations

  • Independent Deployability: This is the most crucial aspect of microfrontends. Ensure that each microfrontend can be built, tested, and deployed independently.

  • Versioning: Consider how you'll version your microfrontends and manage updates to the host application.

  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to prevent a failure in one microfrontend from breaking the entire application.

  • UI Consistency: Establish a design system and component library to ensure a consistent look and feel across all microfrontends.

  • Performance Optimization: Pay close attention to bundle sizes, lazy loading, and code sharing to ensure optimal performance.

Pros and Cons of Microfrontends

Like any architectural pattern, microfrontends come with both advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these trade-offs is crucial for making an informed decision about whether they're the right choice for your project.


  • Independent Deployability: This is the cornerstone advantage. Teams can deploy updates to their microfrontends without affecting other parts of the application. This leads to faster release cycles and reduced risk.

  • Technology Diversity: Different microfrontends can be built using different technologies (React, Angular, Vue.js, etc.). This allows teams to choose the best tools for their specific tasks and to adopt new technologies incrementally. However, this flexibility should be used judiciously, as it can also increase overall complexity.

  • Scalability and Team Autonomy: Microfrontends enable smaller, independent teams to work on different parts of the application concurrently. This improves development speed and allows teams to specialize.

  • Code Isolation: Each microfrontend has its own codebase, reducing the risk of accidental side effects and making it easier to reason about and maintain.

  • Easier Testing: Smaller, focused codebases are generally easier to test than large, monolithic applications.

  • Incremental Upgrades: You can upgrade or rewrite parts of the application without impacting the rest. This is a huge advantage when dealing with legacy systems.

  • Improved Fault Isolation: If one microfrontend fails, it's less likely to bring down the entire application (if implemented correctly with proper error handling).

  • Code Reusability (with caveats): While direct code sharing can be complex, well-designed microfrontends can promote the creation of reusable components and libraries.


  • Increased Complexity: Microfrontends introduce significant architectural complexity. Managing multiple repositories, build processes, and deployments can be challenging.

  • Operational Overhead: You'll need to manage more infrastructure (servers, deployments, monitoring) than with a monolithic application.

  • Performance Challenges: Without careful optimization (lazy loading, code splitting, shared dependencies), microfrontends can lead to slower load times due to multiple network requests.

  • UI/UX Consistency: Maintaining a consistent user experience across independently developed microfrontends requires careful planning and coordination (design systems, shared component libraries).

  • Communication Overhead: Establishing clear communication patterns between microfrontends (e.g., using custom events) is crucial but can be complex.

  • Testing Complexity (Integration): While unit testing is easier, integration testing across microfrontends can be more challenging.

  • Debugging: Debugging issues that span multiple microfrontends can be more difficult.

  • Duplication of Effort (Potential): Without careful coordination, teams might end up duplicating common functionality.

  • Learning Curve: Developers need to understand the concepts of microfrontends and the associated tooling (like Module Federation).

When to Use Microfrontends:

  • Large, Complex Applications: Microfrontends are best suited for applications that are too large and complex for a single team to manage effectively.

  • Multiple Development Teams: When you have multiple teams working on different parts of the application, microfrontends can enable parallel development and independent releases.

  • Need for Technology Flexibility: If you want to use different technologies for different parts of your application, or if you anticipate needing to adopt new technologies in the future.

  • Independent Deployability is Critical: When frequent and independent releases are a high priority.

  • Incremental Modernization of Legacy Systems: You can gradually replace parts of a monolithic application with microfrontends, one feature at a time.

  • Highly Scalable Applications: Microfrontends can facilitate horizontal scaling of specific parts of the application.

When Not to Use Microfrontends:

  • Small, Simple Applications: The overhead of microfrontends is not justified for small projects with limited complexity.

  • Single Development Team: If you have a small, cohesive team working on the entire application, a monolithic frontend might be simpler.

  • Tight Coupling is Unavoidable: If the different parts of your application are inherently tightly coupled and require frequent communication, microfrontends might introduce more problems than they solve.

  • Limited Resources: Microfrontends require more infrastructure and tooling, which can be a burden for teams with limited resources.

  • Lack of Expertise: If your team is not familiar with microfrontend concepts and tooling, the learning curve can be steep.

  • Performance is Extremely Critical: While microfrontends can be performant with careful optimization, they can introduce performance overhead. If every millisecond counts, a monolithic application might be a better choice (or very careful optimization is required).

  • No Need for Independent Deployments: If frequent deployments are not required, then the added complexity of Microfrontends will add no business value.


Microfrontends offer a powerful way to build complex web applications with greater scalability, flexibility, and team autonomy, but they are not a silver bullet. Webpack's Module Federation provides a robust and efficient mechanism for integrating these independent units. By understanding the core concepts, best practices, pros and cons, and when to apply this pattern, you can leverage the benefits of microfrontends to create modern, maintainable, and high-performing web applications. This approach isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; carefully weigh the trade-offs before committing to a microfrontend architecture. For the right projects, however, it can be transformative.