Design Patterns in React: Higher-Order Components

What is a Higher-Order Component (HOC)?

A Higher-Order Component (HOC) is like a helper function for your React components. It's a function that takes a component as an argument and returns a new component with some extra powers. A Higher-Order Component (HOC) embodies the principle of composability in React. It allows you to take an existing component and extend it in a modular and reusable way. The key idea is encapsulation: you encapsulate specific functionalities or behaviours within an HOC, and then you can apply this encapsulated behaviour to multiple components throughout your application.

Building Blocks of a HOC

  1. Component as an Argument: The fundamental characteristic of a HOC is that it accepts a React component as an argument. This component is often referred to as the "wrapped" or "original" component.

  2. Creating a New Component: Inside the HOC function, a new component is created. This new component will serve as the wrapper around the original component. It's like placing the original component inside a container with additional capabilities.

  3. Adding Features: HOCs are versatile because they can add various features or behaviours to the wrapped component. These features can include props, state, functions, context, or even lifecycle methods.

  4. Returning the Enhanced Component: After the HOC has added the desired features to the new component, it returns this enhanced component. This is the component that you'll use in your application.

The HOC design pattern is implemented through the withWrapper function shown below:

import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';

 * A simple wrapper component that accepts children elements.
 * @param {ReactNode} children - The child elements to be wrapped.
 * @returns {JSX.Element} A div element wrapping the children.
const Wrapper = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }): JSX.Element => (
  <div className="wrapper">{children}</div>

 * A Higher-Order Component (HOC) that wraps a given component inside the Wrapper.
 * @param {React.ComponentType<P>} Component - The component to be wrapped.
 * @returns {JSX.Element} The wrapped component.
function withWrapper<P>(Component: React.ComponentType<P>) {
  const WrappedComponent = (props: P): JSX.Element => (
      <Component {...props} />

  return WrappedComponent;

 * A basic text component.
 * @param {string} text - The text to be displayed.
 * @returns {JSX.Element} A paragraph element displaying the text.
const TextComponent = ({ text }: { text: string }): JSX.Element => <p>{text}</p>;

// Applying the HOC to TextComponent.
const WrappedText = withWrapper(TextComponent);

 * The main application component.
 * @returns {JSX.Element} The main structure of the app.
const App = (): JSX.Element => (
    <h1>My App</h1>
    <WrappedText text="Hello, World!" />

export default App;

The HOC design pattern is implemented through the withWrapper function. Let's break down how this function supports the HOC pattern:

  1. Function That Takes a Component: The withWrapper function is a perfect example of an HOC. It takes a component (Component) as its argument. This allows withWrapper it to be a generic wrapper that can be applied to any component.

  2. Returns a New Component: Inside withWrapper, a new functional component WrappedComponent is defined. This WrappedComponent is what the HOC returns. It's a new component that includes the original component (Component) plus additional features - in this case, the wrapping functionality.

  3. Wrapping the Passed Component: The WrappedComponent renders the original component within the Wrapper component. This is where the additional behavior (wrapping with a div with a class wrapper) is applied to the original component. By doing this, withWrapper adds consistent wrapping behavior to any component it's applied to.

  4. Props Passing: The WrappedComponent takes any props (props) and passes them to the original component (<Component {...props} />). This ensures that the original component receives all the props it expects, maintaining its functionality and making the HOC flexible and reusable with different components.

  5. Usage with Different Components: In your example, withWrapper is used with the TextComponent. However, because of its generic design, it can be applied to any other component, thus demonstrating the reusability aspect of HOCs.

  6. Isolation of Concerns: The withWrapper HOC isolates the concern of wrapping a component in a specific style. This means that components like TextComponent don't need to worry about how they are styled or wrapped; they can focus on displaying the content. This separation of concerns makes components more modular and easier to maintain.

Providing a real-world example.

import React from 'react';

// Define the props type for the WrappedComponent
type WrappedComponentProps = {
  style: React.CSSProperties;

// Define the type for the HOC function
type HOCType = <P extends WrappedComponentProps>(
  WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>
) => React.ComponentType<P>;

// Define the HOC function with explicit typing
const withStyling: HOCType = (WrappedComponent) => {
  const StyledComponent = (props: WrappedComponentProps) => {
    const styles = {
      backgroundColor: 'lightblue',
      padding: '10px',
      border: '2px solid blue',

    return <WrappedComponent {...props as any} style={styles} />;

  return StyledComponent;

// Define the props for MyComponent
type MyComponentProps = {
  text: string;
  style?: React.CSSProperties;

// Define MyComponent with explicit props type
const MyComponent = ({ text, style }: MyComponentProps) => {
  return <div style={style}>{text}</div>;

// Apply the HOC to MyComponent
const StyledMyComponent = withStyling(MyComponent);

// Main Application Component
const App = () => (
    <h1>My App</h1>
    <StyledMyComponent text="Hello!" />

export default App;

The provided code demonstrates a React application that utilizes a Higher-Order Component (HOC) to enhance a basic component with additional styling. Let's break down the key parts of the code to understand what each part is doing:

  1. Higher-Order Component - withStyling:

    • This function is the crux of the HOC pattern in this example. It is designed to take any React component (WrappedComponent) and return a new component (StyledComponent).

    • Inside withStyling, the StyledComponent is defined. It applies additional styles to the WrappedComponent. The styles are defined as a JavaScript object, setting the background color to light blue, padding to 10px, and border to 2px solid blue.

    • The StyledComponent then renders the WrappedComponent with these styles applied. This is done by spreading the received props (...props) and adding the style prop with the defined styles.

  2. Base Component - MyComponent:

    • MyComponent is a simple functional component that takes two props: text and style.

    • It returns a div element displaying the provided text and applying the style prop to the div.

  3. Applying the HOC - StyledMyComponent:

    • withStyling is used to wrap MyComponent, creating a new component named StyledMyComponent.

    • StyledMyComponent is essentially MyComponent with additional styling applied via the withStyling HOC.

  4. Main Application Component - App:

    • The App component serves as the root component for this React application.

    • It renders a simple layout with a heading (<h1>) and the StyledMyComponent.

    • When rendering StyledMyComponent, the text prop is set to "Hello!". This text, along with the styles defined in withStyling, will be displayed in the div element created by MyComponent.

Here are several real-world use cases where HOCs are particularly useful:

  1. User Authentication and Authorization:

    • Use Case: Restrict access to certain parts of an application based on user authentication or authorization level.

    • Example: An withAuth HOC that wraps around components to check if a user is authenticated. If not, it redirects them to a login page, or if the user doesn't have the required permissions, it shows an access denied message.

  2. Data Fetching and State Management:

    • Use Case: Fetching data from an API and managing state for multiple components.

    • Example: A withDataFetching HOC that takes a URL and a component. The HOC handles the API call, state management for loading, error, and data states, and passes the data as props to the wrapped component.

  3. Styling and Theming:

    • Use Case: Applying consistent styles or themes to multiple components.

    • Example: A withTheme HOC that injects style or theme properties into components, allowing for a consistent look and feel across the application without duplicating styling code.

  4. Analytics and Logging:

    • Use Case: Tracking user interactions or logging component lifecycle events for analytics.

    • Example: An withAnalytics HOC that wraps components and logs user interactions, like clicks or form submissions, or monitors component mount/unmount events.

  5. Performance Optimization:

    • Use Case: Implementing performance optimizations like lazy loading, debounce, or throttling in multiple components.

    • Example: A withLazyLoad HOC that only loads a component when it's about to enter the viewport, improving initial load performance.

  6. Form Handling:

    • Use Case: Managing form state, validation, and submissions in a standardized way across various forms.

    • Example: A withFormHandler HOC that manages form state, handles validations, and abstracts common form functionalities like submission and reset.

  7. Error Handling:

    • Use Case: Centralizing error handling logic for multiple components.

    • Example: A withErrorHandler HOC that wraps a component and provides a consistent way to handle errors, such as displaying error messages or logging errors.

  8. Internationalization (i18n):

    • Use Case: Providing multi-language support for components.

    • Example: An withTranslation HOC injects translation functions and language-specific resources into components, allowing them to display content in different languages.

  9. Accessibility Enhancements:

    • Use Case: Enhancing components with additional accessibility features.

    • Example: A withAccessibility HOC that adds ARIA attributes, keyboard navigation, and other accessibility improvements to components.

  10. Feature Toggling:

    • Use Case: Enabling or disabling features dynamically based on certain conditions like user preferences, environment settings, or feature flags.

    • Example: A withFeatureToggle HOC that controls the visibility or functionality of a component based on feature toggle configurations.

In summary, Higher-Order Components in React are a powerful tool for building modular, reusable, and customizable components. They enable you to extend and enhance the functionality of your components while maintaining a clear separation of concerns within your application.